Welcome to America Bore Repair,
a family-owned and operated company,
dedicated to excellence in line bore repair
and industrial welding services.
We utilize
equipment and
measuring tools.

Professional Line Boring and Welding Services
At America Bore Repair, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment and precision measuring tools to ensure the production of bores of the utmost quality. We are proud to offer a guarantee of ±0.001 inch accuracy on all our bores, aligning with factory settings to meet and exceed industry standards. Our unique capability to precision bore a single bore within a grouping distinguishes us as an industry leader and the only company providing this specialized service. Trust us to get the job done efficiently and effectively.
"Bore Repair and Welding Experts"
In addition to our line boring expertise, our team comprises highly skilled welders with 35 years of certification. We hold accreditations from the American Welding Society (AWS) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Our mission at America Bore Repair is to be the premier choice for customers seeking top-tier boring and welding services. We strive for excellence in every aspect of our work, ensuring that we are the first and only call customers need to make for their industrial repair and maintenance needs.
America Bore Repair, LLC
16252 E. Bradford Dr., Palmer, AK 99645